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Shazia Amin - Head of Insights Shazia Amin
2 min

How to survive inflation with digital shelf intelligence

How non-essential brands are using digital shelf intelligence to thrive in turbulent times With inflation skyrocketing and consumer confidence spiraling down a black hole, how can non-essential brands use e-commerce to not...

Shazia Amin - Head of Insights Shazia Amin
1 min

Decoding Retailer Search Algorithms

10 Digital Shelf SEO Hacks to Decode Retailer Search Algorithms We spend a lot of time helping brands understand retailer search engines so they can identify the most powerful levers they can pull to impact search rank. It’s...

Shazia Amin - Head of Insights Shazia Amin
1 min

Setting your E-commerce Quarterly Reset Button: How to Transition from Q3 to Q4

As we move from Q3, it’s time to hit the reset button on your digital shelf Q4 strategy. The run up to Christmas combined with deal days like Black Friday and Cyber Monday make Q4 the biggest opportunity for brands to meet...

Shazia Amin - Head of Insights Shazia Amin
6 min

Getting Strong Q4 Results from e-Commerce in Turbulent Economies.

The digital shelf strategies and hacks that e-commerce leaders in CPG brands can use to achieve a strong Q4, even in toughest of economic times. What’s different about Q4 2022? Never in the history of e-commerce have brands...

Shazia Amin - Head of Insights Shazia Amin
2 min

How a multinational food brand used data to drive e-commerce adoption

How the e-commerce team at this Mexico-based multinational food company used data analytics to motivate key account managers and drive adoption of digital shelf tools across the business. Challenge: Inconsistent adoption of...

Shazia Amin - Head of Insights Shazia Amin
3 min

Amazon Prime Day 2022: Beauty By The Numbers

How shopper search trends reveal winning tactics for brands on Prime Day Amazon Prime Day 2022 was the biggest prime day in Amazon’s history, with shoppers purchasing over 300 million items worldwide. We predicted that...

Jan Krzysztofik - Head of Demand Generation Jan Krzysztofik
2 min

What are the 4 levels of ecommerce data analysis and how to use them?

Data analytics technologies are rapidly evolving. For e-commerce leaders in consumer brands, this enables a major uplift in productivity and profitability. Consumer brands that sell online are now using tools that utilize...

Shazia Amin - Head of Insights Shazia Amin
2 min

Insights from Prime Day 2022

There’s no question that powers that be at Amazon were on tenterhooks this week as Prime Day kicked off last Tuesday in the face of slowing sales growth for the e-commerce giant. Last April Amazon reported its slowest...

Shazia Amin - Head of Insights Shazia Amin
2 min

+26% increase in digital shelf search visibility

How a global domestic appliance brand used analytics to discover where and why product content was impeding visibility and conversion on Germany’s biggest e-retailers, and effect change to achieve a 22% increase in digital...

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